Product Review: Kizingo Toddler Spoons
ergonomic curved toddler spoon

Product Review: Kizingo Toddler Spoons

Product Review: Kizingo Toddler Spoons

We want to send a quick shout-out to Teach.Workout.Love for her lovely {unsolicited} review of our spoons. We hope that others will find that it is easier for their children to feed themselves as TWL did.

"I recently have been finding all of these seriously amazing products that I never knew about or even thought about when I first had Hailey and now I am wishing that someone had told me about these things!

Kizingo has made toddler spoons for right handed kids. Who even knew they made right-handed AND left-handed kids spoons?!?!

Is that not insane or what? But wow, that is something I really could have used TWO YEARS AGO!!

Read this amazing description:

 “KIZINGO products are designed to promote successful self-feeding, giving confidence to parents and children. Little ones learning to feed themselves can get frustrated and most utensils are not well designed for how toddlers want to hold and use them. As a result, parents often take over feeding which can have unintended consequences. KIZINGO spoons are curved to work with the way children hold utensils, making it easier for kids to successfully do it themselves.”

I don’t know about you, but watching my daughter hold the spoon was painful! Especially even more painful when what she managed to put on the spoon now fell on the floor or the table as she tried to get it into her mouth but it slid off. That’s probably why she eats with her hands!

I know that for my next child, I will buy this spoon and make life easier for my poor child! And myself! Less mess — always the best choice and easy to do. Seriously, where is the downfall? Anyone can buy a cheap spoon from the grocery store, but has your kid learned to spoon their food or are you still doing it for them, or is it just falling back into their plates?

Also – a bonus – the first time you sign up your email, you get 10% off your purchase!

#parentingproblems – the struggle is real ladies! Kizingo is here for us!